The Mayoral Year of Office runs from the Annual Meeting of the Town Council on 14th May 2024 until the next Annual Meeting in May 2025.
Each year the Mayor raises money for charities of his/her choice.
These guidelines set out the protocol that should be observed at events which the Mayor attends in an official capacity.
The Mayor attends as the First Citizen of the District; not as a representative of the Biddulph Town Council or any section of it.
Consequently, matters of policy or opinion should not be raised when the Mayor is present as a guest but taken up separately through the appropriate Council Officer.
Addressing The Mayor
In printed literature the Mayor should be referred to as “The Worshipful The Mayor of Biddulph, Councillor First Name and Last Name.’
In person the Mayor should be addressed as Mr or Madam Mayor. If the Mayor identifies as gender-neutral then their address is simply Mayor, as it’s a gender-neutral term.
Addressing The Deputy Mayor
If the Mayor is unable to attend a function the Deputy Mayor will attend where possible and should be accorded the same protocol as for the Mayor.
The Deputy Mayor should therefore be referred to on paper as ‘The Worshipful The Deputy Mayor of Biddulph, Councillor First Name and Last Name’ and in person as Mr or Madam Deputy Mayor. Again, if the Deputy Mayor identifies as gender-neutral then their address is Deputy Mayor.
Arrival and Departure
The organiser must ensure a named person meets the Mayor on arrival and makes introductions to the host and notable guests.
Charity Functions
The Mayor is willing whenever possible to open bazaars, sales of work and other events in aid of charity.
The Mayor, as senior guest, as provided by Section 3(a) of the Local Government Act of 1972, should always be seated on the immediate right of the host at meetings and also at social events such as lunches or dinners.
Their Mayoress/Consort should be seated next to the Mayor.
Toasts and Speeches
If you wish the Mayor to propose or respond to a toast or to make a speech, prior notice must be given and further details should be supplied.
The Press
The local press are notified of the Mayor’s appointments during the pre-ceding week, but this does not guarantee their attendance at events.
The Biddulph Chronicle’s phone number is: 01260 273737.
Church Services
The Mayoral Party should be met at the entrance to the church and conducted to the front pew in the nave on the right of the centre aisle with the Mayor seated nearest the aisle.
If there is no centre aisle, the Mayor should be seated in the middle of the front pew. (At funeral services it is normal for family mourners to occupy the front right hand pew and for the Mayoral Party to take the left).
It is courteous for the congregation to rise at the Mayor’s entry and departure.
Visit to Schools or Meetings
Where appropriate the assembly should rise upon the Mayor’s entrance and again on their departure.
Inviting the Mayor to Your Event
All requests must be submitted in writing, by letter or email (office@biddulph-tc.gov.uk) to Biddulph Town Council (Town Hall, High Street, Biddulph ST8 6AR.) to ensure we have all the correct information.
We need:
- Your Name/Organisation
- Your Email Address & Phone Number
- The Date & Time of Your Event
- Details of Your Event/Request – whether you require the Mayor to make a speech or if there is any other special information (eg laying a wreath, whether food is provided, etc)
If the Mayor and Mayoress are unable to attend your event (they may already be at another engagement), the Deputy Mayor and Deputy Mayoress may be able to attend.
Biddulph Town Council collects information so our team can communicate with you and provide assistance.
Please refer to our ‘General Privacy Notice for Members of the Public’ and our ‘General Data Protection Regulations Compliance Policy’ to see how we manage your data.
Path: Biddulph Town Council Website>Your Town Council>Transparency
Biddulph Town Council formed in 1974. Mayors portraits are on display in the Council Chamber. Here’s a full Roll of Mayors:
1973-1974 Derek Anthony Hall
1974-1975 Dennis A Jones
1975-1976 George H Brown
1976-1977 John W Breeze
1977-1978 Frank Hancock J.P.
1978-1979 George Humphries C.C.
1979-1980 John Dixon
1980-1981 Leonard R Bambridge
1981-1982 Charles I Bailey
1982-1983 Donald Machin
1983-1984 George Humphries C.C.
1984-1985 John Dixon
1985-1986 Kenneth Moss
1986-1987 Edwin Sutton
1987-1988 William Parkes
1988-1989 Derek Anthony Hall
1989-1990 Doris Lythgoe
1990-1991 John Dixon
1991-1992 Doris Lythgoe
1992-1993 Gerald S Adams
1993-1994 Peter Kay
1994-1995 George H Brown
1995-1996 Stanley W Meredith
1996-1997 Frank A Harris
1997-1998 Sheila Gorham
1998-1999 Eleanor Meredith
1999-2000 Kevin Jackson
2000-2001 Eleanor Meredith
2001-2002 John Redfern
2002-2003 Terry C Gibson
2003-2004 Jim Harrison
2004-2005 Madelaine Lovatt
2005-2006 Elaine Baddeley
2006-2007 Jody G Shaw
2007-2008 Maureen Roberts
2008-2009 Wayne Rogers
2009-2010 John T Jones
2010-2011 Rodger J Deane
2011-2012 Ken Harper
2012-2013 Jeanette A Walley
2013-2014 Linda Deaville
2014-2015 Graham Swift
2015-2016 Elaine Baddeley
2016-2017 Jill Salt
2017-2018 Chris Wood
2018-2019 Oliver McGuinness
2019-2020 Jim E Davies
2020-2021 John T Jones
2021-2022 Sylvia Rushton
2022-2023 Jim Garvey
2023-2024 Ken Harper