Biddulph has over 160 public footpaths and bridleways:
- Public footpaths are for pedestrians only.
- Public bridleways are for pedestrians, horse riders and cyclists.
Below are links to a full list of the footpaths and bridleways in the Biddulph District and to the County Council’s interactive mapping facility.
Click to open list of footpaths and bridleways List of Footpaths & Bridleways
Click to open link to interactive map
The map is for general guidance only and is not the definitive legal map.
The map is not accessible for adaptive screen technology. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make it easily accessible, but we’re happy to provide further information to help you discover these paths.
Biddulph Ramblers website suggests circular walks within the Biddulph District at:
Please complete the online form to support a survey of the footpath and bridleway network to provide an up-to-date picture so we can either flag up any issues to the County Council for action (as the highway authority, they are responsible for the maintenance of public rights of way) or to address, if we’re able to do so.