We are delighted to confirm that COVID-19 Vaccinations start in Biddulph this Friday. Biddulph Doctors and Biddulph Valley Surgery are working in partnership to provide the service here at Biddulph Town Hall.
The vaccination will start with those age 80 and over and front-line healthcare workers.
Your surgery will contact you directly to arrange your appointment. Please be patient and kind, the staff are working so hard to support our community with the rollout.
There is no parking at the Town Hall. There is a loading bay at the front which can be used for dropping off and some spaces outside the Conservative Club. We kindly ask that you do not park in these spaces unless you are coming into the Town Hall for the vaccine. Please be considerate.
There is also:
Parking at Sainsburys (Free)
Wharf Road Car Park (Fees Apply)
Biddulph Taxi 01782 523366
Dave Parker Taxi 07901 503655
Hollinshead Coaches are very kindly running a service for those struggling with transport. Please call them on 01782 512209 or call us on 01782 297845
After you have received your vaccine you will exit the Town Hall via the hall doors up the ramp to John Street.
When attending your appointment please arrive on time and not before. We cannot let anyone in the building before their appointment due to social distancing and we would hate to see people have a long wait in the cold.
We understand that you may be anxious about finding somewhere to park so want to get here sooner, but if you do arrive early wait in your car where you will be warm.
We recommend you wrap up but remember you will need to expose an arm so maybe wear a cardigan as opposed to an over your head jumper.
Finally, we are so happy to be hosting the COVID 19 Vaccine and can’t wait to see you!