What is Fairtrade?
Fairtrade involves people in Britain and other countries being able to buy goods which carry the Fairtrade mark.
Producers get at least an agreed minimum price for their goods, even if the market price is below that price.
They also receive a Fairtrade premium, which they can spend in partnership with other local producers, enabling them to invest in more efficient production and pay for better health care and education for their children.
Fairtrade helps people out of poverty and aids global stability.
Biddulph – A Fairtrade Town
Biddulph is a Fairtrade Town, it was first awarded this status in 2010, joining many other towns and cities in Britain and around the world.
The award recognises ongoing efforts to promote fair trade throughout the community.
Biddulph Town Council and members of the community, including representatives from the majority of churches (most of which have Fairtrade Church status), formed a partnership to organise, or support, events which raise awareness and promote fair trade. Numerous events are held throughout the year.
Local businesses and community groups are encouraged to use and/or sell Fairtrade products wherever possible; and to work with local schools in teaching the principles of Fairtrade.
The members of the partnership group meet about three times a year.
If you would like to know more, or get involved, new members are always welcome.
You can find the group on Facebook under ‘Biddulph Fairtrade Town Group’.
You can also read more at www.fairtrade.org.uk.